Thursday, August 23, 2007


I can't believe I'm doing this, but what the hell. On the online groups for DS patients, many people post pics of their incisions. Some of these are so gory that it would have deterred me had I seen them before my surgery. (Remember - I don't do well with the sight of blood or gore. Especially my own.) There are some truly nasty incisions out there - most of numerous stitches and staples, and some that have opened up and would not heal. (gag) So goes the reason I'll post mine, which is so NOT scary looking at all! I had no stitches or staples - just "superglue." At 4 weeks out, it was almost completely healed and looked like merely a 6.5" long cat scratch. Amazing, eh!?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG I can't belive you did that!!LOL

You go girl now I want one of you in a bikini!
